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Fiat Panda 141 im Laufe der Jahre

Fiat Panda 141

1980Einführung des Fiat Panda, 2 Versionen.

1. Panda 30 mit einem luftgekühlten 2-Zylinder-Motor aus dem 126 (652ccm 30PS)

2. Panda 45 mit 4-Zylinder-Motor aus dem 127 (903ccm 45PS)

1982Introduction of the Panda 34 with an engine from the Fiat 133 (843cc 34hp) and the Panda 45 Super. Which was a slightly more luxurious version of the Panda 45.
1983Introduction of the Panda 4x4 965cc 48hp with the new logo and the Panda 30 Super, which was the same version as the 45 Super, but with the smaller engine.
1984Introduction of the Panda L, CL and S. These were the same engine as before, but had some changes in the interior and the new logo.
1986Introduction of the 2nd generation Panda. Many parts are interchangeable. The 652 air-cooled engine was replaced by a 769cc (34hp) water-cooled engine. The 903/965cc engine was replaced by a 999cc engine with 45hp for the 2-wheel drive models and 50hp for the 4WD. These were the new FIRE engines.  
Introduction of a 1301cc 37hp diesel version with L specifications.
1987Introduction of the Panda Young, L specifications and the old 769cc (34hp) engine.
Introduction of the Panda 4x4 Sisley based on the standard 4x4 with additional accessories.
1990Introduction of the Panda Elettra. This version had no back seat because of the batteries. The first version had 19 hp, but weighed 450 kg more than the original Panda and was three times more expensive.
1991Update for the 2nd generation Panda with the new logo with the 5 stripes
Introduction of the Panda Selecta with CVT gearbox (999cc 45hp or 1104cc 51hp)
1992Update for the Panda Elettra, 23.8hp and a weight reduction.
Introduction of new engine 1108cc 50hp for Panda 4x4 and a 899cc engine for the 2 wheel drive versions (tax advantage in some countries).
2003End of production. In 2004, the 2nd generation Panda was introduced.